Dear friends and readers
Yes, I have turned 50 years old this month!!!
What does it feel to reach that milestone?
Well, let's count my blessings. I have a beautiful wife who loves and tolerates me.
She is my soul mate and I trust her expressly with my children, my business, my love etc etc etc.
I have 2 beautiful boys who keep me occupied in golf and badminton. So, I feel young while trying to keep up with them. At 13 and 15 next May, they are both trying out for the WA Under 19 years Badminton team. I have taken to training with them and pushing my 50 yr old body. I wonder what they both think of when they see their old man training next to them.
I have my mother in law living with me. She suffers from short term memory loss and thinks every day is the eve of the Chinese New year. What a blessing to be stuck in that time warp. She comes with a 17 year old dog that keeps me busy cleaning up after it.
I have a great business with great employees that I enjoy mentoring.
I have a great group of close friends that meet every week for badminton and gin rummy.
So life has been good. Recently I have been advising public company shareholders on board takeovers. It has been a great experience and I believe there is so much more public company work that will keep me occupied. Who knows, I might be invited to sit as a director in a board for a public company.
Where do I go from here?
I am looking at expanding Tan and Tan Lawyers. The new premises is getting a bit tight already. My business doctor Jeff Miles wants me to expand and get more office space.
I am looking at joining office space with an accountant. I love changes and creating opportunities. I love challenges. The prospective location is Morley. I will keep you updated.
Oh yes, what about my golf. It sucks and it shines. I can break 90 and just break 100 in the same week.
My son Jaz has been keeping me on my toes. He has been admitted to Royal Perth Golf Club while my favorite golfing mates, Henry, Frank and I continue playing at public courses.
On the eve of my birthday, I arrived home with my wife after buying roast duck for dinner which was to be enjoyed by the family.
When I walked through the garage door, I received a surprise birthday party with all my close friends. It was such a great surprise and I nearly had a heart attack.
Annie had done such a great job hiding the surprise from me. Dinner was enjoyed with all my close friends including Auntie Ee and Mrs Tay. The Jongs, Bitaos, Lees; Ongs, Buis and Janet were all great company and I thank them for spending their time to spend my birthday with me. That's what good friends are for.
The next day, I brought the family out for a dinner at Mosman Bay Restaurant. It was a great location and the food was great except that these damned noveau cuisine do not really fill your stomach.
Kids were talking about having soup once we got home. These are growing boys.
There is nothing better than having a family dinner. I have made it a rule that all dinners are shared at the dining table instead of occasionally sitting in front of the TV to have our dinner. That rule has proven a great rule as it allows me to catch up with the boys.
Annie being kissed by a 50 year old man |
Family photo outside Mosman Bay Restaurant |
Family with Popo |
Tyz and Jaz, the 2 princes |
The next day proved another surprise as the staff of my office threw me another surprise party. It's great to work with all of them. We have all gone through some tough times but many good times together. Their presents were all golf related. Is it not easy to shop for me?
The staff of Tan and Tan throwing a 50s party for their boss. | | |
One of the presents the staff gave to me for Christmas last year was a voucher for a portrait sitting with Viva Photography. As a celebration of my 50th birthday, my wife organised for the portrait sitting. It was fun and the family totally enjoyed it.
Here are the photos.
I just wonder why I was never asked to pose solo???? It was my birthday after all but the photographer only wanted solo photos of the boys and my wife!!!! I felt like I was a prop or supporting cast.
Until I blog again, life is what you make of it. In the words of Forrest Gump, life is a box of chocolate.