Buddha's words

Buddha's words
My inspiration. We are what we think, All that we are arises from our thoughts, With our thoughts we make the world. Photo copyright Sean Duggan

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Lion dances at Tan and Tan Lawyers for the year of the goat

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Lion dances at Tan and Tan Lawyers for the year of the goat

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Lion dances at Tan and Tan Lawyers for the year of the goat

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Year of the goat and lion dance

Dear friends

Welcome to the year of the goat.

As usual, lion dances were organised to bring in the new year. It was great to see friends and clients attend the lion dance so that we could experience the lunar new year feeling.

Here's a summary of what to expect for the year according to your animal sign.

GOAT: Overall the Year of the Sheep (Goat / Ram) will be auspicious for people under the same sign. But the goats might face some problems which might have a negative influence on their lives. But with smart thinking and diplomacy, unfavorable stations can be avoided. Be it love or career; think about growing what you have instead of venturing into new territory.

OX: The Ox horoscope 2015 predicts that this might be a difficult year for the Oxen. But thanks to your amazing will-power and determination, you will come out a winner. Love and family life will be blessed. Be careful with your spending. There might be some tension on the health front.

TIGER: Concentration and mental stability will help the tiger become successful in the Year of the Sheep. The Chinese zodiac 2015 predictions forecast that this could turn out to be a positive and beneficial year for this zodiac sign. Love, happiness and prosperity will fill your lives    with joy and fulfillment.
MONKEY: The Chinese zodiac 2015 forecasts for the monkey show that this year will constructive and blessed. Promotions are on the rise in your career. You will be happy in your love relationships. Finance will not be problem. Overall this year will have a positive influence on all aspects of your life.

RABBIT: The 2015 Rabbit astrology predictions foretell an auspicious and favorable year. Take advantage of all excellent opportunities that you come across in this Year of the Green Wood Sheep. This is a good time to change jobs or start a new venture in business. Balance is the key to victory.
ROOSTER: The Chinese horoscope 2015 foretells that the only way for the roosters to be successful in the Year of the Green Wood Sheep is to be focused. You need to have clear objectives in mind if you wish to reach your goals. Your confidence and tact will come to your aid.

DRAGON: The Chinese zodiac 2015 predictions forecast a year of courage and enrichment of the mind for the dragon zodiac sign. This is a year when you should take step back instead of forging ahead with no plans. Sometimes it helps to get a new perspective to the various situations in your life.
DOG: This is a year of joy and happiness for the Chinese doghoroscope sign. Love and family bliss will be more important than your professional commitments. Your experience and intuition will help you in making the right decisions.

SNAKE: The 2015 Snake horoscope predicts that you will be able to overcome all the obstacles and become successful. Travel is on the cards for the Chinese snake animal sign in the Year of the sheep. Try to keep calm when it comes to tension in family life. Believe in your abilities and success will be yours.
PIG: The Pig zodiac 2015 Chinese predictions forecast a happy and stable year. You will have the inner strength that is needed to overcome all problems successfully. Be it love, career or business, the boar sign will definitely end up winning all their battles.
HORSE: The horse will have a harmonious and satisfactory year. 2015 will help you make your dreams come true with some hard work and effort. 2015 is a year of good luck and fortune for the Chinese Horse when it comes to love or career. So make the most out of it. Being passionate, you might meet your true love too.
RAT: The Chinese zodiac rat sign people will have a great 2015. In this year there will definitely be progress, though it might seem slow in the beginning. Career and business will get better in the latter part of the year. Patience is the key to success in love and relationships. Health will be excellent.

Source: http://www.sunsigns.org/chinese-zodiac-2015/

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