Sheng, Wing, Ray and Zheng sitted while Pan standing. |
Dear friends
This year, I have the company of 4 other Asian CEOs who have signed on to sleep homeless on 19 June 2014.
5 Chinese CEOs sleeping out as homeless persons to raise funds for
the homeless in WA
The St Vinnies De Paul CEO Sleepout has been taking place in
Australia and also WA for the last 5 years. The event is organised so that CEOs
and captains of industry can draw the problem of the homeless person to the
attention of the public.
由St Vincent De Paul Society举办的CEO露宿活动已在西澳及全澳洲举行了超过5年。各行各业的领航者们踊跃报名参与这一活动,原因之一便是为了把无家可归这个社会问题带到公众视野之中。
The 2014
Vinnies CEO Sleepout will be held on Thursday 19 June at the WACA, Perth. The
event will take place on the same night in every state and territory across
Australia, with business and community leaders signing up to experience
homelessness for one night this winter.
2014年度St Vincent De Paul CEO露宿活动将会在今年6月19日在柏斯市中心的WACA西澳板球协会体育馆与全澳各州及领地同步举行。届时,全澳洲的行业精英及商业领袖们将会一起在这个冬夜体验一下无家可归的感觉。
year’s event celebrates 5 years of raising awareness of homelessness across
Australia as well as having raised over three million dollars to support the
Society’s aim of halving homelessness by 2020 in WA.
在过去的五年里,St Vincent De Paul Society不但通过该活动成功地吸引了公众对于无家可归这个社会问题的注意,而且还筹集到了超过三百万澳元的善款。St Vincent De Paul Society希望通过利用社会的捐赠,从而达到在2020年将西澳无家可归者的数量减至目前一半的目标。
In the
last 5 years, 420 business and community leaders have risen to the challenge of
raising awareness of homelessness in WA. Past event fundraising results:
- In 2013, 108 participants raised over $1.1 million dollars to support Vinnies homeless services in WA.
在2013年,西澳的108位活动参与者为St Vincent De Paul Society的无家可归者服务机构募集了超过110万澳元的善款。
- In 2012, 106 participants helped to raise $822,704 in Western Australia.
- In 2011, 107 participants registered to sleep out on a cold winter night and the event raised $615,644.
- The first national Vinnies CEO Sleepout was held in 2010, with 99 West Australian business and community leaders braving the cold and sleeping rough for a night in winter. Their efforts raised a total of $474,185.
This year, the Asian community is strongly represented by
the following Asian CEOs:
(a) Sheng
Shen of Mozart Patisserie:
(b) Ban
Zhao PAN of Ever Nature Pty Ltd:
(c) Wing
Lam of Omni Design Pty Ltd :
(d) Ya
Yong Zheng of Nishi Japanese Restaurant :
(e) Raymond
Tan of Tan and Tan Lawyers:
If you wish to support them, just go to their link above
with your credit card to sponsor them.
All donations are tax deductible.
The 5 Asian leaders have signed on to sleep in the cold for
1 night to experience what it is like to be homeless and living in the streets
of Perth. They will only be able to have a blanket and cardboard provided by
the organisers.
They have a bread roll and soup for the night to sustain
Raymond Tan has been sleeping out as a homeless lawyer for 5
years taking part every year since the event started. This year he has
persuaded the other 4 Asian leaders to join him in a night of discomfort, cold
and maybe wet rain so that the homeless in WA can be helped from their
This is the first year that there are so many Asian CEOs
taking part and they should be supported as much as possible.
how your donation can help:
- $50 can provide a meal and educational resource for a disadvantaged child.
- $100 can help ensure a family keeps its power on this winter.
- $200 provides emergency accommodation and food to a family in crisis.
- $500 could relocate and establish a homeless person into one of the Society’s homeless accommodation services.
Vincent De Paul Society运营的临时居留中心。
- $1,000 would pay the rent for a family facing eviction from their home.
It is time for the Asian community to get behind this
worthwhile project to help those less fortunate than themselves.
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