It has been a tough few days watching my mum deal with her failing health.
Kenneth and Serene have been great hosts. Having wine with Kenneth at the end of a long day of caring for mum has been a real relief.
I leave knowing big brother Charles and my other siblings will do a great job looking after her.
The boys said their good byes to her tonight. I managed to spend quite a few hrs holding her hand while she slept. The memories of all she has done for the Tan family brings a few tears to my eyes and I grab my sunglasses so no one can see my tears.
I believe mum has the strength to get out of this weak spell as her voice is still strong.

I am confident I will have to return in Jan to see her again. She has the sort of fighting spirit that got her to being the mother of 10 kids and 25 grand kids and at least 5 great grand kids.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Location:Yishun Ring Road,Yishun,Singapore
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